Our main activity is managing apartment buildings in Prague and we have been doing this since 1993.

The edge over competition is individual approach to each building.

Our advantage is our personal approach to each house.

We provide services mainly to private apartment building owners or associations of apartment building owners.

If you are considering entrusting your house to administration, do not hesitate to contact us.

Houses under our administration

Our administrative office in numbers


Market operation


Houses under administration


Housing units


Ekonomická správa nemovitostí pro SVJ společenství vlastníků jednotek FEMA-M s.r.o. správní kancelář

Unit owners’ associations

  • Preparing payment regulations
  • Regular control of payments
  • Overpayment agenda
  • Preparing annual financial statements

Economic administration

  • Making regulations
  • Regular control of payments
  • Preparing quarterly reports
  • Creating an overview of income and expenses

Technická správa nemovitostí FEMA-M s.r.o. správní kancelář

Technical report

  • Making revisions
  • Accident management
  • Repairs
  • Regular real estate technical inspections

Do not hesitate to contact us